Script for Adding/Deleting App-V Apps

I wrote a VBScript that will ADD/DELETE an App-V sequenced application to/from the client. I was just a bit brassed off with using the MSI created by the sequencer when I was testing packages, it’s a lot of bulk for running a few custom actions and I found it clunky and slow. I did look around for an alternative and, other than adding the SFTMIME command line to a batch file, there wasn’t much else out there. If anyone knows of something which achieves this in a more impressive way or extends the functionality, let me know, so I can shed tears over a wasted evening.

Using a /p switch the script will also add the necessary permissions for adding/deleting the app along with the permission to allow streaming from a file.

Get the script.

I recorded a video demo of the script as well, more because I felt like it than anything else. Enjoy!

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